A collection of Animation (?) objects, used to change default animations. A value of false will disable all animations in the widget.
<?php require_once '../lib/Kendo/Autoload.php'; ?> <div class="demo-section k-header"> <h4>Menu</h4> <?php $menu = new \Kendo\UI\Menu('menu'); $first = new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("First Item"); $first->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $menu->addItem($first); $second = new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Second Item"); $second->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $menu->addItem($second); $third = new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Third Item"); $third->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $menu->addItem($third); $fourth = new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Fourth Item"); $fourth->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $menu->addItem($fourth); $fifth = new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Fifth Item"); $fifth->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\MenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $menu->addItem($fifth); $menu->select('onSelect') ->open('onOpen') ->close('onClose') ->activate('onActivate') ->deactivate('onDeactivate'); echo $menu->render(); ?> </div> <div class="demo-section k-header"> <h4>Context Menu</h4> <?php $contextMenu = new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenu('context-menu-events'); $first = new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Item 1"); $first->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $contextMenu->addItem($first); $second = new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Item 2"); $second->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $contextMenu->addItem($second); $third = new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Item 3"); $third->addItem( new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 1"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 2"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 3"), new \Kendo\UI\ContextMenuItem("Sub Item 4") ); $contextMenu->addItem($third); $contextMenu->target('#context-target') ->showOn('click') ->alignToAnchor(true) ->select('onSelect') ->open('onOpen') ->close('onClose') ->activate('onActivate') ->deactivate('onDeactivate'); echo $contextMenu->render(); ?> <p>A collection of <span id="context-target">Animation (?)</span> objects, used to change default animations. A value of false will disable all animations in the widget.</p> </div> <script> function onOpen(e) { kendoConsole.log("Opened: " + ($(e.item).children(".k-link").text() || "ContextMenu")); } function onClose(e) { kendoConsole.log("Closed: " + ($(e.item).children(".k-link").text() || "ContextMenu")); } function onSelect(e) { kendoConsole.log("Selected: " + $(e.item).children(".k-link").text()); } function onActivate(e) { kendoConsole.log("Activated: " + ($(e.item).children(".k-link").text() || "ContextMenu")); } function onDeactivate(e) { kendoConsole.log("Deactivated: " + ($(e.item).children(".k-link").text() || "ContextMenu")); } </script> <div class="box"> <h4>Console log</h4> <div class="console"></div> </div> <style> .demo-section .box-col li { margin-bottom: 0; } #context-target { cursor: pointer; color: red; } #context-target:hover { text-decoration: underline; } </style>